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Monday, June 27, 2011

Weather Forecast for Wednesday and Sunday

As early as now I wanted to check the weather conditions for tomorrows game in Sri Lanka and on Sunday here in Manila..I got 2 sources each for Sri Lanka and here in Manila. 

I got this from CNN. It shows that it will be raining this Sunday http://weather.edition.cnn.com/weather/intl/forecast.jsp?locCode=RPXX0017&zipCode=332656277888
 I got this from worldmeteo. It says there will be rain as well this Sunday
I got this from CNN. It shows that it will be cloudy tomorrow in Sri Lanka.
Got this from BBC. It also shows that it will be cloudy tomorrow in Sri Lanka

I do suggest that those who will be watching the game on Sunday to bring RAIN COATS.
1 more day til' Game time!!!!

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